PROSAC SPA performs baseline surveys, characterization of noise sources, prediction and evaluation of underwater noise impact and definition of the area of influence, according to the most updated technical criteria defined by the Ministry of Environment and the Environmental Assessment Service.
Currently, anthropogenic underwater noise and its adverse effects on marine fauna is a growing problem. At the national level, there are recent recommendations on criteria and international reference documents to evaluate this pollutant in projects that enter the Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA), in compliance with the provisions of S.D. N°40/12 MMA.
The procedure incorporates underwater noise impact analysis differentiated by species, frequency weighting according to type of marine mammal and use of validated underwater sound propagation models, referenced in:
Guidance for the description of salmonid fattening projects in the SEIA, inidica en que:
The licensee shall identify underwater noise emitting sources that may potentially affect protected species (marine mammals).. In this sense, the most relevant emissions for the purposes of this type of project could be associated with the operation phase of the project and not with the construction phase, however, it is practical to refer them to in this chapter to indicate that such parts or works, such as fish feeders and acoustic deterrents for predator control, among others, shall be described as indicated in letter f. 2.4.2 “parts and works”, in order to determine whether their emissions have the potential to affect these species.
The main objective of the PREXOR protocol is to reduce the incidence and prevalence of occupational hearing loss, which in simple words is to reduce the number of deaf workers.
PROSAC SpA performs this projection through the elaboration of noise maps with advanced B&K Predictor Lim-A software, modeling the exclusive sound contribution of noise sources and fronts.
PROSAC SpA offers a comprehensive environmental noise assessment service, for the verification of compliance with national regulations D.S. 38/11 MMA and international reference standards.
PROSAC SpA carries out integral turnkey projects, considering environmental and labor compliance, including the necessary noise measurements and more.
PROSAC SpA thanks to its experience in acoustic noise and vibration measurement services, which allows us to comply with national and international standards and regulations.