The following is a series of acoustic solutions elaborated with a general design, which can be requested to our company and modified according to the client’s needs, either in size, materiality, assembly, etc. The solutions contain a general description and a 3D model for a better view of their components.


Acoustic enclosures are solutions that allow to reduce the sound pressure levels of any noise source, adapting to the most diverse problems, since their size, materiality, assembly, air inlet and outlet, etc., can be modified, achieving an adequate solution to the context of the work center.

Our company has extensive experience in the design and installation of this type of solutions, always considering the needs of our customers in terms of interfering as little as possible in the production, maintenance and cleaning processes of the noise sources to be treated.



Currently, workplaces have several sources of noise in their production processes, such as engines, compressors, boilers, mills, fans, among many others, all of which are normally located inside industrial sheds that do not have acoustic treatment, so that noise leakage to the outside is usually a problem for environmental regulatory compliance in our country.

To solve this problem PROSAC SpA has the service of design and construction of soundproofed sheds, with acoustic insulation to mitigate the environmental impact of all types of production sites, either for new projects or facilities that want to be improved, adapting the engineering design to customer needs.



Another way to solve noise problems is by installing acoustic barriers. The purpose of these elements is to integrate an obstacle to the propagation of sound between the emitting source and the affected receiver and to reduce sound pressure levels in order to comply with permissible noise limits established in national regulations, both in the workplace and in the environment.

PROSAC SpA provides the service of evaluation, design and implementation of acoustic barriers of all types. External static barriers, to comply with D.S. No. 38/11 MMA, or smaller barriers located in the production process of the work centers, to reduce the dose of noise affecting workers and comply with the PREXOR protocol.



The basic elements involved in the generation of fan noise are its constituent elements and the way these elements interact with the surrounding environment. Thus, we have two main groups in terms of noise types: Engine noise and aerodynamic noise, the latter generated by the movement of the blades and the flow that is conducted through the ducts.

To solve this problem our team of professionals has the ability to evaluate, design and build specialized silencers for ventilation systems, where we find rectangular cells Splitter type, acoustic lattice or Louvre and concentric type, which can be adapted to the needs of loss of load, materiality, size, etc., according to customer requirements and the project itself.


In the context of mitigating occupational noise and when for technical reasons of operation or due to large dimensions it is not possible to enclose the noise sources, a viable alternative is the construction of soundproof acoustic cabins for personnel. These can be implemented to operate noisy machines and/or to generate spaces for protection and rest from noise exposure, provided that the production process allows it.

PROSAC SpA has the ability to design custom acoustic cabins according to the specifications of the client company, with translucent side walls so that workers do not lose sight of the production process, acoustic panels and doors and even with the ability to be mobile to change the location according to the requirements of the workplace.
